In Situ Deposition of CuBiS2 on Mesoporous TiO2 Film for Light Absorber in Solar Cells
作者:Peng-Cheng Wang, Feng-Zhu Li, Yu Zhang, Hao-Chen Fan, Xue-Qin Zhou, Yan-Lin Song, Ke-Jian Jiang
关键字:CuBiS2 Films, Gas-Solid Reaction, Solar Cells
具体来源:Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
In this report, emplectite (CuBiS2) semiconductor has been deposited on mesoporous TiO2 using gas–solid reaction method. For the first time, CuCl2 and BiCl3 are solution-coated on mesoporous TiO2 films, and thereafter reacted with H2S gas in an H2S atmosphere. The CuBiS2 film is further confirmed using X-ray diffraction; thus, demonstrating the pure phase of CuBiS2. CuBiS2 film shows high spectral absorption with an energy gap (E g) of 2.18 eV. Furthermore, devices have a structure consisting of FTO/compact-TiO2/mesoporous-TiO2/CuBiS2/P3HT/Ag have been fabricated and hence exhibit high photoresponse performance.