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(ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces) Scalable Strategy to Directly Prepare 2D and 3D Liquid Metal Circuits based on Laser-Induced Selective Metallization
作者:Chengchao Xiao, Jin Feng, Haoran Xu, Rui Xu, and Tao Zhou*
关键字:liquid metal circuits, laser-induced selective metallization, 3D circuits, direct preparation, Galinstan
具体来源:ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 20000–20013

Selective wetting of a gallium-based liquid metal on copper circuits is one of the ways to prepare liquid metal circuits. However, the complex fabrication processes of an adhesion layer between copper circuits (or patterns) and substrates were still inevitable, limiting scalable applications. Our work developed a facile way to directly prepare 2D and 3D liquid metal circuits by combining laser-induced selective metallization and selective wetting for the first time. The copper template was obtained on elastomers using laser-induced selective metallization, and high-resolution liquid metal circuits were fabricated by brushing Galinstan on the copper template in the alkali solution. The distribution of Cu element not only was on the top surface but also extended to the interior of the elastomer substrate. This revealed that the Cu layer prepared by laser-induced selective metallization is born to firmly embed into the substrate, which endowed the circuits with strong adhesion, reaching the highest 5B level. Moreover, the prepared liquid metal circuits (or patterns) had a typical layered structure. The liquid metal circuits exhibit good flexibility, stretchability, self-healing ability, and acid?alkaline resistance. Compared with the traditional methods of patterning liquid metals, fabricating liquid metal circuits based on laser-induced selective metallization has irreplaceable advantages, such as strong adhesion between circuits and substrate, fabricating 3D circuits, good acid?alkaline resistance, cost-effectiveness, maskless use, time savings, arbitrary design of patterns, and convenient operation, which endow this method with great application prospect