[Journal of the European Ceramic Society]Additive manufacturing of green ceramic by selective laser gasifyingof frozen slurry
作者:Geng Zhang, Hua Chen,? Hongwei Zhou
关键字:Additive manufacturing,CeramicSlurry,Laser gasifying,Freezing
具体来源:Journal of the European Ceramic Society
The slurry-based additive manufacturing (AM) of ceramics involves a drying process to form solid sup-port; however, the drying process is time-consuming, and the support is not easily removed. We proposea new AM process for green ceramic that includes freezing a layer of aqueous ceramic slurry, laser gasify-ing of the frozen-layer ice to process 2D green ware, and removing the support in water to release the 3Dceramic part. With a suitable laser power and scanning speed, this approach can yield a layer that has athickness of 90 m, a cantilever structure with a wall thickness of 115 m and a span of 30 mm withoutdeflection. The casting layer cannot be damaged by using a cryopanel to rapidly freeze the slurry, andredundant frozen materials can be melted in water without swelling. Therefore, this new process canrapidly form a solid support and has a high removal efficiency.