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“第二届新型高分子材料与控制释放国际会议”(SIPCD 2012)将于2012年9月11-14日在苏州召开

“第二届新型高分子材料与控制释放国际会议”(2nd Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled Delivery, SIPCD 2012将于2012911-14日在苏州市南园宾馆召开。SIPCD 2012会议同时得到中国化学会高分子委员会及中国生物材料学会的支持,由苏州大学、中国科学院长春应用化学研究所、苏州工业园区、和苏州工业园区生物产业发展有限公司(苏州生物纳米园)共同主办。


SIPCD 2012会议邀请了生物材料、药物控制释放、基因释放、生物组织工程等领域的30多名国内外著名教授和专家参会并做大会报告,其中包括10多名国际著名期刊的主编和副主编(Nature Medicine, Journal of Controlled Release, Progress in Polymer Science, ACS Nano, Biomaterials, Nano Today, Molecular Therapy, Nanomedicine, Chemistry of Materials, Biomacromolecules, Langmuir, Biomaterials  Science等),是一高层次、高水平国际学术活动。如SIPCD 2010(首届)会议,SIPCD 2012会议将在Journal of Controlled Release(IF 7.164) 发表一专辑。会议将在晚宴时颁发6个最佳墙展报告奖(Best Poster Award),获奖者将赢得奖励证书和300美元现金奖励。所有接受的墙展摘要将全文在线发表在Journal of Controlled Release


此外,SIPCD 2012会议将邀请国际著名专家就“纳米医药的未来”主题展开特别讨论(Panel Discussion),并且邀请了ELSEVIER负责生物医药和控制释放的高级主管做题为“The Art of Writing Scientific Papers”的专题讲座。













SIPCD 2012会议邀请报告人


Frank Caruso
Professor and Head of the Nanostructured Interfaces and Materials Group (NIMs)
University of Melbourne, Australia
Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science
Editor: Chemistry of Materials

Xuesi Chen
Professor of Key Laboratory of Polymer Ecomaterials
Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Ashutosh Chilkoti
Theo Pilkington Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director of Center for Biologically Inspired Materials and Materials Systems
Duke University

Stefaan De Smedt
Professor and Chair of Ghent Research Group on Nanomedicines
Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ghent University
, Belgium

Associate Editor: Journal of Controlled Release

Timothy J. Deming
Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Bioengineering
University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Jiandong Ding
Professor of Polymer Chemistry and Physics
Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers, Chinese Ministry of Education
Fudan University, China
Associate Editor: Chinese Science Bulletin

Johan F.J. Engbersen
Professor and Chair of Biomedical Chemistry
University of Twente, The Netherlands

Si-Shen Feng
Professor of Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Associate Editor: Biomaterials, Nanomedicine

Zhihua Gan
Professor of Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences
Professor of Key Laboratory of Engineering Plastics
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

David Grainger
George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Presidential Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of Utah, USA

Rainer Haag
Professor of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Wim E. Hennink
Professor of Pharmaceutical Polymers
Head of the Department of Pharmaceutics
Vice Dean of Faculty of Science
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Special Issue Editor: Journal of Controlled Release

Kazunori Kataoka
Professor of Department of Materials Engineering
Professor of Division of Clinical Biotechnology at the Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine
Director of Center for NanoBio Integration
The University of Tokyo, Japan
President of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (since 2010)
President-Elect of the Controlled Release Society (since 2011)
Editor: Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition
Associate Editor: Biomacromolecules, Biomaterials

Yong-Hee Kim
Professor and Director of the Department of Bioengineering
Hanyang University, Korea
General-in-chief, Korean Society for Biomaterials

Harm-Anton Klok
Professor and Director of the Polymers Laboratory
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Associate Editor: Biomacromolecules

Sebastien Lecommandoux
Professor of the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie et de Physique de Bordeaux
University of Bordeaux, France

Doo Sung Lee
Professor of Department of Polymer Science and Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University
, Korea
Vice President of the Polymer Society of Korea

Andreas Lendlein
Director of the Institute of Polymer Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Board of Directors of the Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies
Professor of Materials in Life Sciences, University of Potsdam, Germany

Dan Luo

Professor at the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering
Cornell University

Editor-in-chief: NanoBio Journal
Associate Editor: Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
J. C. Warner Professor of Natural Sciences
Director of Center for Macromolecular Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA
Member of Polish Academy of Sciences
Editor: Progress in Polymer Science, Central European Journal of Chemistry

Fenghua Meng
Professor of Biomedical Polymers Laboratory
Soochow University
, China

Phillip Messersmith
Professor of Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Chemical and Biological Engineering
Northwestern University

co-Editor-in-Chief: Biomaterials Science

Teruo Okano
Professor and Director of The Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science
Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan
Associate editor: Nature Medicine, Biomaterials, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research

Kinam Park
Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Professor of Pharmaceutics
Purdue University

Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Controlled Release

Youqinq Shen
Qiushi Chair Professor and Director of Center for Bionanoengineering
Zhejiang University
, China

Associate Editor: Current Nanoscience

Jaap van Harten
Executive Publisher, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Elsevier, The Netherlands

Hsing-Wen Sung
Professor and Vice Dean of the Department of Chemical Engineering
National Tsinghua University
, Taiwan

Editor: Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology

Molly Stevens
Professor of Biomedical Materials and Regenerative Medicine
Research Director for Biomedical Material Sciences
Imperial College London, UK
European Editor: Journal of Experimental Nanoscience
Associate Editor: ACS Nano

Deyue Yan
Professor of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Shanghai JiaoTong University
, China
Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jackie Ying
Professor and Executive Director
Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore
Member of the German National Academy of Sciences
Editor-in-Chief: Nano Today

Chae-Ok Yun
Professor of the Department of Bioengineering
Hanyang University
, Korea

Deputy Editor: Molecular Therapy
Associate Editor: BMC Cancer

Xi Zhang
Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry
Tsinghua University
, China
Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Senior Editor: Langmuir


