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3rd Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled Delivery (SIPCD 2014) will be held in September 16-19, 2014 in Suzhou, China

The 3rd Symposium on Innovative Polymers for Controlled Delivery (SIPCD 2014)

In Honor of Prof. Dr. Jan Feijen’s 70th Birthday

will be held in September 16-19, 2014 inthe Garden Hotel,Suzhou,China. The symposium is co-organized by Soochow University and Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. SIPCD 2014 will welcome approximately 450 delegates, with 31 invited lectures and no more than 220 poster presentations. The whole symposium is organized in one single session. In SIPCD 2014, we will also present a stimulating Debate on Drug Delivery. As previous two editions, a Special Issue will be published in the Journal of Controlled Release (2012 Impact Factor 7.633).

Particular attention will be given to the poster session. In SIPCD 2014, eight posters will be selected for The Excellent Poster Awards (an official certificate and 300US$ each), which will be presented during the banquet. Please note that all accepted poster abstracts will also be published on-line in the Journal of Controlled Release.

Suzhou, about one hour away fromShanghai, is an ancient city with a history of more than 2500 years. The city is well known for its beautifully preserved centre, its exquisite gardens and its impressive canals.Suzhouis surrounded by lakes and is also known as the Venice of China.Suzhouhas the charm to make your stay a unique experience.

To our great pleasure, SIPCD symposium has been established as a high-level conference in the fields of biomaterials, controlled drug delivery, protein and cell delivery, gene delivery, polymer-based diagnostics, and tissue engineering.  



Allan Hoffman

Emeritus Professor of Bioengineering

University ofWashington,Seattle(USA)

Member, NationalAcademy of Engineering,USA

Ann-Christine Albertsson

Professor and Head of Polymer Technology


Editor-in-Chief: Biomacromolecules

Member:RoyalSwedishAcademyof Engineering Sciences

Antonios G. Mikos

Louis Calder Professor of Bioengineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Director of John W. Cox Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering

Director of Center for Excellence in Tissue Engineering

Rice University(USA)

Member of the NationalAcademyofEngineering

Member of theInstituteofMedicineof the National Academies

Editor-in-Chief: Tissue Engineering Part A, Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, and Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods

President: Society for Biomaterials

Chi Hwa Wang

Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

National UniversityofSingapore

Executive Editor, Chemical Engineering Science

David Grainger

University Distinguished Professor and Chair, Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Inaugural George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential Endowed Chair of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

University ofUtah(USA)

Ernst Wagner

Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology - Biotechnology and Nanomedicine

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München (Germany)

Editor: Pharmaceutical Research

Associate Editor: Journal of Gene Medicine

Harm-Anton Klok

Professor and Director of the Polymers Laboratory

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Associate Editor: Biomacromolecules

Henry Kopecek

Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering

University ofUtah(USA)

Member, NationalAcademy of Engineering,USA

James Anderson

Distinguished University Professor

Professor of Pathology, Macromolecular Science, and Biomedical Engineering

Case Western ReserveUniversity(USA)

Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research

Member,InstituteofMedicineof the National Academies ofScience,USA

Member, NationalAcademy of Engineering,USA

Jeroen J.L.M. Cornelissen

Professor in Biomolecular Nanotechnology

University ofTwente(theNetherlands)

Jianjun Cheng

Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Willett Faculty Scholar

University ofIllinoisat Urbana-Champaign (USA)

Associate Editor: Biomaterials Science

Kam W. Leong

James B. Duke Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Duke University(USA)

Member of the NationalAcademyofEngineering

Kidong Park

Professor, Applied Chem and Biotechnology/Molecular Sci and Tech/Biomed Eng

Ajou University(Korea)

President, Korean Society for Biomaterials

Kinam Park

Showalter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Professor of Pharmaceutics

Purdue University(USA)

Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Controlled Release

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

J. C. Warner Professor of Natural Sciences

Director of Center for Macromolecular Engineering

Carnegie MellonUniversity(USA)

Member of the NationalAcademy of Engineering,USA

Member ofPolishAcademyof Sciences

Editor: Progress in Polymer Science, Central European Journal of Chemistry

Molly Stevens

Professor of Biomedical Materials and Regenerative Medicine

Research Director for Biomedical Material Sciences

Imperial CollegeLondon(UK)

Member of RoyalAcademyofEngineering

Rainer Haag

Professor of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry

Vice Dean Research, Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Freie Universit?t Berlin (Germany)

Seung Jin Lee

Professor of Pharmacy

Ewha WomansUniversity(Korea)

President of the Korean Controlled Release Society

Sung Wan Kim

Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Distinguished Professor of Bioengineering

University ofUtah(USA)

Member,InstituteofMedicineof the National Academies ofScience,USA

Member, NationalAcademy of Engineering,USA

Teruo Okano

Professor and Director, Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science

Vice President,TokyoWomen''sMedicalUniversity(Japan)

Associate editor: Nature, Nature Medicine, Biomaterials

Victor C. Yang

Albert B. Prescott Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

University ofMichigan(USA)


Wim E. Hennink

Professor of Pharmaceutical Polymers

Head of the Department of Pharmaceutics

Utrecht University(TheNetherlands)

Special Issue Editor: Journal of Controlled Release

You Han Bae

Professor of Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Chemistry

University ofUtah(USA)

Editor/Associate Editor: Journal of Controlled Release