苏州大学生物医用高分子材料重点实验室近期发表的3篇论文分别为Biomacromolecules和Biomaterials 两期刊的 "Most Read Articles".
1. W. Chen, F.H. Meng, F. Li, S.-J. Ji, Z.Y. Zhong*, pH-Responsive Biodegradable Micelles Based on Acid-Labile Polycarbonate Hydrophobe: Synthesis and Triggered Drug Release, Biomacromolecules 2009, 10: 1727-1735. 本月NO. 1 Most Read Article.
2. F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong*, J. Feijen, Stimuli-responsive polymersomes for programmed drug delivery. Biomacromolecules 2009, 10: 197-209. 全年NO. 1 Most Read Article.
3. F.H. Meng, W.E.Hennink, Z.Y. Zhong*, Reduction-Sensitive Polymers and Bioconjugates for Biomedical Applications, Biomaterials 2009, 30:2180-2198. NO. 4 Most Read Article.