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(Soft Matter) Multi-level Micro-/Nanostructures of Butterfly Wing Adapt Low Temperature to Water Repellency
作者:H. Mei, D. Luo, P. Guo, C. Song, C. Liu, Y. Zheng* & L. Jiang
关键字:Low temperature, Water repellency
具体来源:Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 10569-10573

We show that micro-/nanostructure effects achieve water repellency of Morpho nestira butterfly wings under low temperature and changeable relative humidity. It is found that the multi-level micro-/nanostructures on wing scales effectively retard low-temperatureinduced wetting, and achieve water repellency, accompanied with low adhesion under environmental humidity conditions. The mechanism of the extended water repellency is elucidated based on the micro-/nanostructure effect that can be adapted to low temperature and relative humidity. This finding offers an insight into micro-/nanostructures of butterfly wings, which helps to design novel interface materials to be applied in anti-frosting, anti-fogging and anti-icing projects.