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  • Address:江苏省苏州市工业园区仁爱路199号苏大独墅湖校区
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Current Location :> Home > List of Publications
  • Motor and Rotor in One: Light-Active ZnO/Au Twinned Rods of Tunable Motion Modes [2020年]
  • Homogeneous Distribution of Magnetic, Antimicrobial-Carrying Nanoparticles through an Infectious Biofilm Enh... [2020年]
  • Universal Antibacterial Surfaces Fabricated from Quaternary Ammonium Salt-Based PNIPAM Microgels [2020年]
  • Artificial Channels in an Infectious Biofilm Created by Magnetic Nanoparticles Enhanced Bacterial Killing by... [2020年]
  • Artificial Channels in an Infectious Biofilm Created by Magnetic Nanoparticles Enhanced Bacterial Killing by... [2019年]
  • Single Nanoparticle Tracking Reveals Efficient Long-Distance Undercurrent Transport in Upper Fluid of Bacter... [2019年]
  • Ultralow Self-Cross-Linked Poly(N?isopropylacrylamide) Microgels Prepared by Solvent Exchange [2020年]
  • Synthesis of Polystyrene Particles with Precisely Controlled Degree of Concaveness [2018年]
  • Electric field-induced circulation and vacuolization regulate enzyme reactions in coacervate-based protocell... [2018年]
  • Polymerization in Shear Flow: From Bowl-Shaped Glyco-Microcarriers to Self-Propelled Micromotors [2021年]
  • Colloidal assembly manipulated by light-responsive Ag(3)PO(4) nanoparticles [2024年]
  • Magnetic matchstick micromotors with switchable motion modes, [2021年]
  • Shape-Tunable Janus Micromotors via Surfactant-Induced Dewetting [2021年]
  • Reconfiguring Self-Assembly of Photoresponsive Hybrid Colloids [2022年]
  • A self-cleaning surface based on UV-activatable, AgCl micropumps for bacterial killing and removal [2022年]
  • 2D isotropic-nematic transition in colloidal suspensions of ellipsoids [2021年]
  • Observation of the Pinning-Induced Crystal-Hexatic-Glass Transition in Two-Dimensional Colloidal Suspensions [2021年]
  • Possibilities and impossibilities of magnetic nanoparticle use in the control of infectious biofilms [2021年]
  • 2D Colloidal Crystals with Anisotropic Impurities [2021年]
  • Influence of interaction between surface-modified magnetic nanoparticles with infectious biofilm components ... [2021年]
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