Georg H. Mehl教授(University of Hull)应邀来我系进行学术交流
应张秋禹教授的邀请,G. H. Mehl教授于11月20日下午2:30在理学院383会议室为化学系师生做了题为“Design and investigation of liquid crystal superlattice forming gold nanoparticles – a route to plasmonic metamaterials”的学术报告。报告会上,G. H. Mehl教授与化学系师生就相关问题进行了交流与讨论。报告结束后,张秋禹教授带领G.H. Mehl教授参观了实验室,并向G.H. Mehl教授介绍了课题组的研究方向及研究进展。
Georg H. Mehl教授简介:
Georg Mehl obtained his Masters degree (Dipl.Chem.) in Chemistry and his PhD at the University of Freiburg (Germany) in the group of Prof. H. Finkelmann. He joined the Liquid Crystal group in Hull as a Post-Doc (with Prof. J. W. Goodby), became Lecturer in 1997 and is currently Professor (Chair) for Organic and Materials Chemistry. He has held the DERA/Qinetiq Lectureship at Hull and visiting Professorships at the universities of Patras (Greece) and Marseille-Luminy (France) and he has coordinated and participated in a number of European research projects. His research interests are in functional soft self assembling systems, particularly in organic-inorganic nano-composites with a focus on optical properties and in photoactive systems.