ER effect of PMMA wrapped alumina-siloxane gel doped with rare earths
作者:Qiu, GM,Zhou, LX,Zhang, M,Li, YR,Yan, CH
关键字:rare earths;water gIass;PMMA wrapped aIumina-siIoxane geI;suspensions;eIectrorheoIogicaI effect
具体来源:Journal of Rare Earths
PMMA wrapped aIumina-siIoxane geI was obtained by using poly(methylmethacrylate)(PMMA)to
wrap alumina-siloxane sol which was made from water glass,aluminum nitrate and-methacryIic acid . MeanwhiIe,
rare earth ions were used to dope in the course of reaction,and stable suspensions was produced by putting PMMA
wrapped microcapsuIe powder doped with rare earths into methy-silicon oil. It is found that its eIectrorheoIogical
(ER)effect improves strikingIy after Ioading eIectric fieId . At a certain concentration,the immediate viscosity increases
from 95 to 178 Pa·s compared to the system without doping .