Rheology of isothermally crystallized poly(butylene terephthalate) nanocomposites with clay loadings under the percolation threshold
作者:Wu, Defeng,Zhou, Chixing,Zhang, Ming
关键字:clay; crystallization; isothermal crystallization; nanocomposites; percolation
具体来源:Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
This article describes the structural evolution of clay in poly(butylene terephthalate) nanocomposites (PCNs) with clay loadings lower than the percolation threshold during the isothermal crystallization process. The study of the structure and rheological properties has revealed that the intercalation and detachment levels of clay are enhanced in samples crystallized at a high temperature (210 °C), in contrast to those of the original PCN, and this results in the formation of a rheological percolation network. However, for PCNs crystallized at a low temperature (190 °C), the further structural evolution of the tactoids is very small. All the experimental results indicate that the morphologies of clay can further evolve during the crystallization process, but the evolution level is strongly dependent on the crystallization temperature.