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Thermal oxidation resistance of rare earth-containing composite elastomer
writer:Qiu, GM,Zhang, M,Zhou, LX,Nakakita, S,Inoue, S,Okamoto, H
keywords:rare earths;composite eiastomer;thermai oxidation resistance;discontinue autoxidation;steric
specific source:Journal of Rare Earths
Issue time:2001年
The rare earth-containing composite eiastomer was obtained by the reaction of vinyi pyridine-SBR(PSBR)iatex with rare earth aikoxides,and its thermai oxidation resistance was studied . After aging test,it is found that its retention rate of mechanicai properties is far higher than that of the controi sampie . The resuits of thermogravimetric anaiysis show that its thermai-decomposing temperature rises iargeiy . The anaiysis of oxidation mechanisms indicates that the main reasons for thermai oxidation resistance are that rare earth eiements are of the utiiity to discontinue autoxidation chain reaction and that the formed compiex structure has steric hindrance effect on oxidation .