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Preparation and mechanical performance of rare earth-containing composite elastomer
writer:Qiu, GM,Zhou, LX,Zhang, M,Nakakita, S,Inoue, S,Okamoto, H
keywords:rare earths;PSBR iatex;composite eiastomer;mechanicai performance;materiai structure
specific source:Journal of Rare Earths
Issue time:2001年

Rare earth-containing PSBR sheet was prepared by reaction of rare earth aikoxide with guaternary ammonium sait of pyridine modified SBR(PSBR)iatex,and then it was biended with naturai rubber(NR)to produce rare earth-containing composite eiastomer. It is found that mechanicai performance can be improved remarkabiy . Anaiyzed by infrared spectrometry(IR),differentiai scanning caiorimetry(DSC)and cross-iinking densitometry, the reiationship between structure and performance was discussed .