Study on preparation and property of poly-aminosilicone-rare earth composite
writer:Zhang, M*,Qiu, GM,Chen, HY,Zhou, LX,Shinich, I,Hiroshi, O
specific source:Journal of Rare Earths
Issue time:2003年
The poly-aminosilicone-rare earth composite was prepared by poly-aminosilicone cross-linked with rare earth and active silanol. The thermal stability of the composites was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Force condition of the composites in electric field was analyzed and relative polarizability was derived. It is found that the composites containing different rare earth ions have different relative polarizability. The experiment results reveal that organosilicon materials with different electrical performance can be obtained by this way. Meanwhile, the absorption and flourescene spectrum of composites were also investigated. Compared to rare earth chloride, the spectrum properties of the composite are changed obviously. The possible reasons for these phenomena were discussed.