张旭: 扬州大学 化学化工学院 讲师
l 扬州大学,化学化工学院,讲师|2009.08-至今
l 贵阳医学院,药学院, 讲师|2004.08-2006.08
l 贵州神奇制药股份有限公司,新药研发部, 助理工程师,|1996.08-2001.08
l 中科院研究生院 成都有机化学研究所,有机化学专业,博士研究生|2006.09–2009.107
l 贵阳医学院 研究生院,药理学专业,硕士|2001.09 – 2004.07
l 贵阳医学院 药学系, 理学学士|1992.09 – 1996.07
1. 2012年江苏省博士积聚计划“香豆素-三唑类农用杀菌剂的合成”已结题。
1. A Practical Preparation of Imatinib Base
Xu Zhang, Jingjing Sun, Tian Chen, Chenggen Yang and Lei Yu,* . Synlett, 2016, 27(15), 2233-2236.
2. Dehydration of Aldoximes Using PhSe(O)OH as the Pre-Catalyst in Air
Xu Zhang, Jingjing Sun, Yuanhua Ding and Lei Yu,* . Org. Lett. 2015, 17(23), 5840-5842
3. Mark Lautens. Recyclable Organoselenium-Catalyzed Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of α,β-Unsaturated Ketones by H2O2
Xu Zhang, Jianqing Ye, Lei Yu*, Xinkang Shi, Ming Zhang, Qing Xu*, : A Green Access to Vinyl Esters. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2015, 357(5), 955-960
4. Rh(II) and Zn(II) co-catalyzed multi-componentreaction for the synthesis of vicinal diols
Xu Zhang, Liping Yang, Wenhao Hu , Chinese Chemical Letters, 2009; 20 (11): 1299-1302
5. Rhodium(II) catalyzed multi-component reactions of aryldiazoacetates with titanium(IV) isopropoxide and imines
Xu Zhang, Na Zhang, Xin Guo, Liping Yang, Wenhao Hu, Tetrahedron 2009; 65 (39): 8277-8282
6. Wenhao Hu, Catalytic enantioselective trapping of an alcoholic oxonium ylide with aldehydes: Rh(II)/Zr(IV) co-catalyzed three-component reactions of aryl diazoacetates, benzyl alcohol, and aldehydes.
Xu Zhang, Haoxi Huang, Xin Guo, Xiaoyu Guan, Liping Yang, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2008; 47 (35):6647-6649.