祝贺本课题组2023级博士生王含章的研究论文被国际学术期刊 Industrial Crops & Products (中科院一区农林科学) 接收 !
发件人:"Von Mark V. Cruz" <em@editorialmanager.com>
发送时间:2024-08-27 12:06:31 (星期二)
收件人: "Li-Ming Zhang" <ceszhlm@mail.sysu.edu.cn>
主题: Your Submission - [EMID:2cb999fc8bb09c1f]
Ms. Ref. No.: INDCRO-D-24-03686R2
Title: Constructing multiple bonding mechanisms with a novel lignin-activated modified polymer core for the fabrication of strong, water-resistant, and mildew-resistant adhesives
Industrial Crops & Products
Dear Professor Li-Ming Zhang,
I am pleased to inform you that your paper "Constructing multiple bonding mechanisms with a novel lignin-activated modified polymer core for the fabrication of strong, water-resistant, and mildew-resistantadhesives" has been accepted for publication in Industrial Crops & Products.
Yours sincerely,
Von Mark V. Cruz
Associate Editor
Industrial Crops & Products