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[2013] 在国内外学术论文 [Publications]
writer:张黎明等//Zhang, L. M.; et al
keywords:天然大分子,生物大分子, 功能材料, 杂化材料 // Natural macromolecules, Biomacromolecules, Functional materials, Hybrid materials
Issue time:2013年

*Corresponding author/通讯作者. #These authors contributed equally to this work/共同第一作者.

Refereed Scientific Papers / 学术杂志发表论文

[269] Liang, B.#; Deng, J. J.#; Yuan, F.; Yang, N.; Li, W.; Yin, J. R.; Pu, S. X.; Xie, L. C.; Gao, C.*; Zhang, L. M.*  Efficient gene transfection in the neurotypic cells by star-shaped polymer consisting of β-cyclodextrin core and poly(amidoamine) dendron arms. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 94: 185-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.12.070 (SCI)

[268] Zeng, D.; Fan, J.; Deng, Z.; Tan, J.; Deng, Z.; Zhang, L. M.; Yang, L. Q.* One-step synthesis and characterization of amphiphilic hyperbranched amylopectin derivatives and their use as functional nanovehicles. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 98: 905-913. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2013.07.007 (SCI)

[267] Yang, L. Q.*; Zhang, B.; Yi, J. Z.; Liang, J.; Zhang, L. M. Preparation, characterization, and properties of amylose-based inclusion complexes for intestinally targeting and controlled release of ibuprofen. Starch-Starke, 2013, 65(7-8): 593-602. DOI: 10.1002/star.201200161 (SCI)

[266] Chen, J.; Zhou, S. M.; Ma, B. G.; Zhang, L. M.; Yi, J. Z.* Molecular dynamics simulations on dextran hydrogels. e-Polymers, 2013, no.004(1-8). (SCI)

[265] Ma, D.; Zhang, L. M.* Novel biosensing platform based on self-assembled supramolecular hydrogel. Materials Science and Engineering C- Materials for Biological Applications, 2013, 33: 2632-2638. DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2013.02.023 (SCI)

[264] He, F. A.*; Lam, K.; Ma, D.; Fan, J.; Chan, L. H.; Zhang, L. M.  Fabrication of graphene nanosheet (GNS)–Fe3O4 hybrids and GNS–Fe3O4/syndiotactic polystyrene composites with high dielectric permittivity. Carbon, 2013, 58: 175-184. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.02.047 (SCI)

[263] Ma, D.; Zhang, H. B.; Lin, J. T.; Zhang, L. M.* New cyclodextrin derivative containing poly(L-lysine) dendrons for gene and drug co-delivery. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2013, 405: 305-311. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2013.05.017 (SCI)

[262] 李忠军, 邓跃飞*, 庞家栋, 张黎明. 功能化纳米氧化石墨烯微粒对胶质瘤U251 细胞的靶向光热作用 [Functionalized nano-graphene oxide particles for glioma U251 cells targeted photothermy]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版)/ Chinese Journal of Clinicians (Electronic Edition), 2013, 7(24): 11503-11506.

[261] 跃飞*  李忠军  庞家栋  张黎明功能化纳米氧化石墨烯微粒的制备及对脑胶质瘤 U251 细胞的靶向显像作用 [Preparation of functionalized nano-graphene oxide particles and their target imaging role in glioma U251 cells]. 中华神经医学杂志 / Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine, 2013,12(12), 1234-1238.



[学术会议/Scientific Conferences-119] 张黎明. 血液净化高分子吸附材料--近年值得关注的一些研究动向(邀请)健帆生物科技集团股份有限公司讲座 2013/3/30.

[学术会议/Scientific Conferences-118] 杨立群*, 邓宇斌, 蓝育青, 杨彬, 刘珍珍, 梁玄, 张黎明, 周艳芳, 任先越, 宫海军, 曾睿阳离子超支化多糖衍生物的合成及其在基因转染中的研究2013年全国高分子学术论文报告会, 中国上海, 2013-10-12.

[学术会议/Scientific Conferences-117] 麦开锦, 张翔, 王兰吉, 李小军, 何杨华, 张黎明*. 以螺旋链多糖衍生物为模板制备水分散性导电聚苯胺. 2013年全国高分子学术论文报告会 ,中国上海, 2013-10-12.

[学术会议/Scientific Conferences- 116]庞家栋, 庄宝雄, 张黎明*. 树枝化直链淀粉衍生物用作基因载体的研究2013年全国高分子学术论文报告会, 中国上海, 2013-10-12. 

[学术会议/Scientific Conferences-115] 张黎明超分子水凝胶的生物功能化研究 (主题演讲). 2013全国超分子化学结构与材料技术发展专题研讨交流会, 广东省深圳市, 20131115-17.

[学术会议/Scientific Conferences- 114] 杨立*,  ,  李华,  张黎明. 两亲性多糖衍生物纳米胶束在胰腺癌治疗中的应用研究. 中国生物材料学会2013年大会, 深圳, 2013-12-21.