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The 376rd research paper of our research group was accepted by Journal title_Biomacromolecules !

  贺本课题组2023级博士生王含章(为论文的第一作者)的研究论文被美国化学学会知名学术期刊 Biomacromolecules 杂志接收 !



Journal: Biomacromolecules

Manuscript ID: bm-2025-00087e.R2

Title: "Novel Biobased Physicochemical Reversible Dual-crosslinked Hydrogel: Self-healing, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, and Hemostatic Properties for Diabetic Wound Healing"

Author(s): Wang, hanzhang; Lu, Bin; Zhou, Junyi; Lai, Jieying; Zheng, Xue; Guo,Shuang-Zhuang; Zhang, Li-Ming

Manuscript Status: Completed-Accept
