The 373rd research paper of our research group was accepted by Journal title_Advanced Functional Materials!
祝贺本课题组2021级硕士生孙兰芳的研究论文被国际学术期刊 Advanced Functional Materials (中科院一区材料科学)接收!在读硕士生孙兰芳为论文的第一作者,在读研究生周峻毅、赖洁滢、郑雪、王含章、陆滨和黄润生对该论文亦有贡献。
发件人: "Advanced Functional Materials" <>
发送时间: 2024-04-18 22:34:44 (星期四)
收件人: "Li-Ming Zhang" <>
主题: Acceptance of your submission to Advanced Functional Materials (adfm.202401030R2) - [EMID:bf806e914ddae6d0]
Dear Prof. Dr. Zhang,
Thank you for submitting your manuscript entitled "Novel Natural Polymer-Based Hydrogel Patches with Janus Asymmetric-Adhesion for Emergency Hemostasis and Wound Healing" (Research Article, No. adfm.202401030R2) to Advanced Functional Materials.
I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication without change.