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The article of Hanzhang Wang, a member of our research group, was accepted by Journal title_Chemical Engineering Journal !


贺本课题组2023博士生王含章的综述论文国际学术期刊  Chemical Engineering Journal (【2023年】一工程技术 ) 接收!   


发件人:"David Nisbet" <>
发送时间:2024-02-07 06:16:37 (星期三)
收件人: "Li-Ming Zhang" <>
主题: Your Submission

Ms. Ref. No.: CEJ-D-23-32058R1
Title: Intelligent biobased hydrogels for diabetic wound healing: A review
Chemical Engineering Journal

Dear Dr. Zhang,

I am pleased to confirm that your paper "Intelligent biobased hydrogels for diabetic wound healing: A review" has been accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal.
