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报告题目:Engineering Nanocarbon for Efficient Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion


报告 人:余丁山博士




主 持 人:陈旭东 教授




        Carbon nanostructures including one dimensional carbon nanotubes and two dimensional graphene have attracted significant interest during past decades due their excellent physical and chemical properties as well as a wide range of potential technological applications. In this presentation, I will talk about my research progress on rational engineering of carbon nanostructures for efficient electrochemical energy storage and conversion. The talk will be divided into two parts: (1) to design high performance carbon-based electrode materials for efficient macro- or micro-supercapacitors; (2) to design highly efficient carbon-based metal-free cathode electrocatalysts for clean energy including fuel cells and metal-air batteries.


        2008年6月博士毕业于中山大学理工学院, 随后在美国University of Dayton和Case Western Reserve University以及新加坡Nanyang Technological University从事博士后研究.近五年来, 余博士主要致力于低维碳纳米材料的可控制备, 物性研究及其在能量存储与转化设备领域的应用. 迄今为止,余博士共发表SCI收录论文48篇(含接收), 其中以第一作者身份在Nature Nanotechnology, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Chem. Mater等学术期刊上发表论文20篇, 他引1723次, H因子为17, 共有9篇论文入选为ESI高被引论文,8篇论文引用超过100次,部分工作被雅虎、美国科学促进会全球科学新闻网、美国电气电子工程师学会科技纵览、美国有线电视新闻网、法国路透社、德国科学网、印度时报、USA news, Science Daily, Nanowerk等全球近百家新闻媒体作为研究热点跟踪报道.