参加University of Massachusetts Amherst Prof. Gregory N. Tew学术报告
报告题目:Bio-Inspired Materials: From Drug Delivery to Advanced Membranes
报告人: Prof. Gregory N. Tew Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst(美国麻省五校联盟成员)
主持人:陈永明 教授
Our primary research aim is to create new materials using a combination of principles, many of which are inspired by biology. The combination of unique molecular scaffolds and guanidinium-rich side chains has produced an array of polymers with robust transduction (and delivery) activity. Being a new area, the fundamental interactions between these new scaffolds and the plasma membrane are just beginning to be understood. The synthetic approach easily allows doubling the density of guanidine functional groups, which increases the transduction efficiency of the sequences. Cellular uptake studies on three different cell lines (HEK 293T, CHO, and Jurkat T cells) confirm that these synthetic analogs are highly efficient novel protein transduction domain mimics (PTDMs), that are more effective than TAT49-57 and nonaarginine (R9) and also highlights the usefulness of polymer chemistry at the chemistry- biology interface. It has become clear that the combination of molecular design, biophysical models, and biological evaluation provide a robust approach to novel proteinomimetics. Inspired by elastomeric proteins, we have built highly resilient networks. This was expanded to provide a robust platform for networks with wide bicontinuous compositional windows. Installing metal cations generated anion exchange membranes (AEMs).
Prof. Gregory N. Tew 个人简介:
B.S., North Carolina State University (1989-1995)
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1995-2000)
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania (2000-2001)
Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2001-Present)
Honors and Distinctions
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Polymer Competence Center, Leoben, GmbH (PCCL)
Selected as Member of Faculty 1000, Macromolecular Chemistry Section
American Chemical Society-Division of Polymer Chemistry-2010 Polymer Division Fellow
Member, Defense Sciences Study Group of the Institute for Defense Analysses (DSSG)
American Chemical Society Polymer Division Mark Young Scholar
IUPAC MACRO International Samsung Young Polymer Scientist Award
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
National Science Foundation CAREER Award § Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award
Army Research Office Young Investigator
DuPont Young Faculty Grant
Founder of PolyMedix, Inc - a cutting edge biomimetic design company
Co-Coordinator, CUMIRP Cluster B: Polymers in the BioArena
Selected Publications:
1. Z. M. Al-Badri, R. R. Maddikeri, Y. Zha, H. D. Thaker, P. Dobriyal, R. Shunmuan, T. P. Russell, G. N. Tew, Nat. Commun., 2011,
2, 482. 2. Y. Zha. M. L. Disabb-Miller, Z. D. Johnson, M. A. Hickner, G. N. Tew, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 4496.
3. H. D. Thaker, A. Som, F. Ayza, R. W. Scott, J. Anguita, G. N. Tew, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 11088.
4. A. Som, A. Reuter, G. N. Tew, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 980.
5. A. Som, A. O. Tezgel, G. J. Gabriel, G. N. Tew, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 6147