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报告题目:Nanowire Cell Penetration for Intracellular Drug Delivery

报 告 人:谢曦  博士


主 持 人: 张黎明教授

报告时间: 2014年12月15日 (星期一)上午9:30-10:30

报告地点: 丰盛堂A403

Introduction of biomolecules across the cell membrane with high efficiency is a challenging yet critical technique in biological and medical research. Vertically aligned nanowire (NW) arrays have been recently reported to offer new opportunities to access a cells'' interior by directly breaching the cell membrane. This nanoscale physical membrane penetration circumvents conventional biochemical pathways to deliver materials into cell, and may avoid accompanying degradation routes such as endocytosis. In spite of the early success, the microscopic understanding of how and when the nanowires penetrate cell membranes is still lacking, and the degree to which actual membrane penetration occurs is controversial. In my work, I developed mechanical continuum model of elastic cell membrane penetration through two mechanisms based on experimental observation, which provides a guide to designing nanowires for applications in cell membrane penetration. In a second project, I developed suspended nanoparticles with NWs grown on them to produce "spiky particles", which can be used for biomolecular delivery into cells by utilizing the sharp NWs'' cell membrane penetration ability. By combining the advantages of the NW penetration ability and the suspension nature of nanoparticles, the spiky particles present a direct cell membrane penetrant vehicle for drug delivery, with potential applications in vivo. In a third project, I developed alumina nanostraw-electroporation platform to achieve highly efficient molecular delivery and high transfection yields with excellent uniformity and cell viability. The system provides excellent spatial, temporal, and dose control for delivery.


谢曦博士于2014年在美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)材料科学与工程系 博士毕业,目前于麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)化学工程系及科赫综合癌症研究所进行博士后研究;博士阶段主要从事半导体纳米线阵列与 器件的制造工艺,并将纳米线器件作为药物运载工具应用于细胞内的药物释放及 基因转染;博士后阶段主要研究针对糖尿病的体内血糖可持续监控的水凝胶器件, 此器件是基于用水凝胶微胶囊包裹具有血糖响应功能的碳纳米管制作而成。目前谢博士以第一作者已经在包括Nano Letters、 ACS Nano等著名期刊发表论文,多次参加各种国际学术会议并获过材料协会 (MRS) Best Poster Awards, 且受邀在 XXII International Material Research Congress 作报告;他所发明的纳米吸管-电穿孔(Nanostraw-Electroporation)技术目前正申请国际发明专利,此核心技术为多家媒体所报导,也为其所在实验室成功创立公司Stealth Biosciences并获取风险投资。