Magnetron sputtered tungsten oxide films activated by dip-coated platinum for ppm-level hydrogen detection
作者:Chao Zhang, Abdelhamid Boudiba, Marie-Georges Olivier, Rony Snyders, Marc Debliquy
关键字:Hydrogen sensor; Tungsten oxide; Platnium; Sputtering
具体来源:Thin Solid Films
Platinum-activated tungsten oxide (Pt–WO3) films are prepared for hydrogen (H2) sensing applications. In this study, WO3 films were fabricated by reactive magnetron sputtering and Pt clusters were deposited on them by dip-coating. The microstructure, chemical composition and phase structure of Pt–WO3 films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. It was observed that a reconditioning period is required after a rest period of the sensor for obtaining a stable signal. A thermal treatment at 450 °C for 24 h is proposed to solve this problem.