[Small] Continuous Ultrathin Zwitterionic Covalent Organic Framework Membrane Via Surface-Initiated Polymerization Toward Superior Water Retention
writer:Lin Liu, Yu Ma, Bo Li, Liying Yin, Hong-Ying Zang, Ning Zhang, Hai Bi, Shaolei Wang, Guangshan Zhu
keywords:COF, Membrane, Proton transport
specific source:Small
Issue time:2024年
Efficient construction of proton transport channels in proton exchange membranes maintaining conductivity under varied humidity is critical for the development of fuel cells. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) hold great potential in providing precise and fast ion transport channels. However, the preparation of continuous free-standing COF membranes retaining their inherent structural advantages to realize excellent proton conduction performance is a major challenge. Herein, a zwitterionic COF material bearing positive ammonium ions and negative sulphonic acid ions is developed. Free-standing COF membrane with adjustable thickness is constructed via surface-initiated polymerization of COF monomers. The porosity, continuity, and stability of the membranes are demonstrated via the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterization. The rigidity of the COF structure avoids swelling in aqueous solution, which improves the chemical stability of the proton exchange membranes and improves the performance stability. In the higher humidity range (50–90%), the prepared zwitterionic COF membrane exhibits superior capability in retaining the conductivity compared to COF membrane merely bearing sulphonic acid group. The established strategy shows the potential for the application of zwitterionic COF in the proton exchange membrane fuel cells.