[Chem. Sci.] Tailored preparation of porous aromatic frameworks in a confined environment
writer:Yu, R.; Liu, L.; Yin, L.; Jing, Y.; Zhang, N.*; Bian, H.*; Zhu, G.*
keywords:PAF, polymer brushes, confined environment, controlled growth
specific source:Chemical Science
Issue time:2023年
The growth of porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs) on the surface of polymer brushes is reported for the first time. In contrast to PAFs formed in solution, polymer brushes provide a confined environment for PAF growth, resulting in nanosized and homogeneous spherical PAFs formed amongst the polymer brushes. 4-Bromobenzene functionalities from the polymer brushes are utilized to induce PAF growth by a Yamamoto-type Ullman coupling reaction. The size of PAFs can be tailored from 30 nm to 500 nm by subtly changing the structural parameters: e.g. reaction time, grafting density, and concentration of 4-bromobenzene on the surface. The established strategy is not only applicable to the preparation of PAF-1, but can also be extended to the controlled preparation of PAF-5. In addition, free-standing and flexible PS/PAF-1 hybrid membranes are obtained via dissolving the oxidized layer between the polymer layer and the silicon substrate, which can be transferred to any flat substrate. The obtained PS/PAF-1 membrane is proven to show high efficiency in removing dye from water and is promising for eliminating other foulants, such as microorganisms and trace organics.