* 工作去向:南开大学化学院攻读博士学位
* 2011,9-2014.6: 天津理工大学材料科学与工程学院,材料物理研究所,在读硕士研究生
* 2007.9-2011.7: 长治学院化学系本科
* Chang L., Liu C., He S., Lu Y., Zhang S., Zhao L.,Zeng X., Novel styryldehydropyridocolinium derivative as turn-on fluorescent probe for DNA based on an intercalative binding mechanism, Sen. Actuators B 2014, 202, 483–488。
* Liu Q., Liu C., Chang L., He S., Lu Y., Zhao L., Zeng X., Tunable PET processes by intercalation of cationic styryl dye in DNA and its application as efficient turn-on fluorescent probe for silver ions,RSC Advance, 2014, 4, 14361-14364.
*Yao H., Chang L., Liu C., Jiao X., He S., Liu H., Zeng X., A Novel Styryldehydropyridocolinium Homodimer: Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties Upon Interaction with DNA, J. Fluoresc. 2015, 25, 1637-1643