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Effect of chemical structure on the water sorption of amine-cured epoxy resins
作者:Li, L.; Yu, Y. F.*; Wu, Q. L.; Zhan, G. Z.; Li, S. J
关键字:Polymer, Electronic materials, IR spectroscopy, Kinetic parameters
具体来源:Corrosion Science 2009, 51(12), 3000-3006

In this investigation, water sorption behaviour of six epoxy systems with different chemical structure of amines and epoxies were monitored at five temperatures ranging from 35 to 75 °C. The sorption process was analyzed by gravimetric measurements, positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS), and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR). PALS measurements showed that the free volume fraction is not a decisive factor in governing the equilibrium water content, while the polarity of the system is the essential factor. ATR-IR curve fitting were consistent with the theoretical calculated results, and correlated to the diffusion coefficients from gravimetric measurements.