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Near-IR Investigation on the Cationic Polymerization of Epoxy and Tetrahydrofuran Initiated by Heteropoly Acid.
作者:Li, L.; Wu, Q. L.; Yu, Y. F.*; Tang, X. L.; Li, S. J.; Wu, P. Y.
关键字:polyoxometalate, polymerization, epoxy, tetrahydrofuran
具体来源:Acta Chim Sinica 2008, 66, (20), 2263-2270.

The cationic copolymerization of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A with tetrahydrofuran initiated by phosphotungstic acid was in-situ investigated by Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy. It was found that the consumption rate of epoxy groups did not change with reaction time at low epoxy concentrations, while it decreased with the reaction time at a high epoxy concentration. In addition, the peak splitting pattern of the overlapping C-H vibration region was developed. The peak splitting analysis of the spectra showed that the copolymerization did occur, which was further proved by the results of generalized two-dimensional correlation analysis. Furthermore, the relationship between the consumption rate and the concentration of the epoxy groups was discussed.