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Morphology evolution during the phase separation of polyetherimide/epoxy blends.
作者:Gan, W. J.; Yu, Y. F.; Wang, M. H.; Tao, Q. S.; Li, S. J.
关键字:thermoplastics, thermoset, phase separation
具体来源:Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2003, 24, (16), 952-956.

The results of time-resolved light scattering for the phase separation of epoxy/polyethermide/anhydride blends show that the evolution of scattering vector q(m) follows a Maxwell type relaxation equation. The relaxation time may be suggested as the time taken for the diffusion of the epoxy anhydride n-mers from the PEI-rich phase by their relaxation movement, and the apparent activation energy of the relaxation movement is obtained.