Tailoring Hydroniumion Driven Dissociation Chemica lCross-Linking for SuperfastOne-Pot Cellulose Dissolutionand Derivatizationto Build Robus tCellulose Films
writer:Yi Chen,Chengling Huang,Zhouyu Miao,Youjie Gao,Yanjuan Dong,KamChiuTam, and Hou-Yong Yu
keywords:cellulose, hydroniumion, dissociative-chemical cross-linking, dissolution, derivatization, cellulosefilm
Issue time:2024年
Concepts of sustainabilitymust be developed to overcome the increasing environmental hazards causedby fossil resources. Cellulose derivatives with excellent properties are promising biobased alternatives forpetroleum-derived materials.However, a one-pot route to achieve cellulose dissolution and derivatization isvery challenging,requiring harsh conditions,high energy consumption,and complex solubilizing.Herein,wedesignaone-pot tailoring hydroniumion driven dissociation-chemical cross-linking strategy to achieve superfast cellulose dissolution and derivatization for orderly robust cellulose films. In this strategy,thereisa powerful driving force fromor ganic acid with a pK a below 3.75 to dissociate H+ and trigger the dissolution and derivatization of cellulose under theaddition of H2SO4.Nevertheless,the driving force canonly trigger apartial swelling of cellulose but without dissolution when the pKa of organic acidis above 4.26 for the dissociation of H+ isinhibited by theaddition of inorgani cacid.The cellulose film hash ightran smittance (upto~90%),excellen ttensile strength(~122MPa),and issu perior to commercia lPE film.Moreover,the tensile strength isincreased by 400% compared to cellulose film prepared by the ZnCl2 solvent.This work provide sanefficient solvent,which is of great significance for emerging cellulose materials from renewable materials.