Lightweight nanofibrous crosslinked composite aerogels with controllable shapes and superelasticity for pressure sensors
writer:Zhaofeng Ouyang; Chuang Wang; Dewen Xu; Hou-Yong Yu; Ying Zhou; Mengya Mu; Dan Ge; Zhouyu Miao; Kam
keywords:composite aerogels, controllable shapes, elastic recovery, internalcrosslinked networks, pressure sensors
Issue time:2022年
So far it is still a big challenge to construct the nanofibrous crosslinkedcomposite aerogels with high compressive stress and excellent elasticresilience for pressure sensors. To solve this problem, a novel strategy ofcombining rigid inorganic nanofibers and flexible organic nanofibers isdesigned to obtain the crosslinked composite aerogels with outstandingcompressive stress and stability. Surprisingly, the as-prepared compositeaerogels have an extremely low density of 11.27 mg cm?3, and the crosslinkedcomposite aerogels with desire shapes can be easily controlled via changingthe different molds on demand. More importantly, the composite aerogels canbe compressed up to 80% with a quite high compressive stress of 41 kPa andit can recover to its original state well. It is worth mentioning that theas-prepared aerogels can be encapsulated to construct ultrasensitive(0.53 kPa?1) and rapidly responsive (315 ms) pressure sensors for encryptedinformation transmission. Such excellent crosslinked composite aerogels willopen up numerous application opportunities for pressure sensors, thermalinsulation, and sound absorption.