Versatile nanocellulose-based nanohybrids: A promising-new class for active packaging applications
writer:Somia Yassin Hussain Abdalkarim, Lu-Min Chen,Hou-Yong Yu, Fang Li,Xiang Chen,Ying Zhou,Kam Chiu Tam
keywords:Nanocelluloses,Nanohybrids,Active packaging
Issue time:2021年
The food packaging industry is rapidly growing as a consequence of the development of nanotechnology and changing consumers'' preferences for food quality and safety. In today''s globalization of markets, active packaging has achieved many advantages with the capability to absorb or release substances for prolonging the food shelf life over the traditional one. Therefore, it is critical to developing multifunctional active packaging materials from biodegradable polymers with active agents to decrease environmental challenges. This review article addresses the recent advances in nanocelluloses (NCs)- baseds nanohybrids with new function features in packaging, focusing on the various synthesis methods of NCs-based nanohybrids, and their reinforcing effects as active agents on food packaging properties. The applications of NCs-based nanohybrids as antioxidants, antimicrobial agents, and UV blocker absorbers for prolonging food shelf-life are also reviewed. Overall, these advantages make the CNs-based nanohybrids with versatile properties promising in food and packaging industries, which will impact more readership with concern for future research.