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ICMSE2009 Call for Papers / 2009年制造科学与工程国际会议 (第二轮)


International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering
 (ICMSE 2009)
December 26-28, 2009, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China
This conference offers an opportunity to the manufacturing researchers and scientists around the world to exchange ideas, views, professional knowledge and experience in the areas of manufacturing science and technology.
Accepted papers will be published as a special issue of international journal "Advanced Materials Research" [Trans Tech Publications] and will be indexed in EI Compendex and Thomson ISTP. A small amount of selected paper will be invited to submit an expanded version of their papers for consideration of publication in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (all covered by SCI and EI Compendex). For more information about this conference, please visit the web site at: http://www.icmse2009.org. Exhibitors from research laboratories and, in particular, industrialists and suppliers are welcome to propose exhibitions and demonstrations.
The due date for submissions is 10th September, 2009.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us  Email: icmse2009@gmail.com
Best regards,
The committee of ICMSE2009
(中文, In Chinese)
2009年12月26日-12月28日  中国珠海
本次会议接受的论文将全部出版在国际期刊《Advanced Materials Research》上,该期刊发表的论文全部被EI和ISTP收录索引。少部分优秀的论文经扩展后由组委会推荐到《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》上发表(SCI和EI收录)。投稿事项及其他有关信息敬请登陆网站查阅:http://www.icmse2009.org. 本次会议热烈欢迎制造领域的企业、供应商以及研究所参展。
如果您有任何疑问,敬请与我们联系. Email: icmse2009@gmail.com