Dynamic supramacromolecular self-assembly: deformable polymer fabricated nanostructures through host-controlled approach
作者:Qiang Yan, Jinying Yuan*, Yan Kang, Yingwu Yi
具体来源:Polymer Chemistry,2010, 1(4), 423-425 (The Front Cover for Polymer Chemistry,2010, Issue 4 )
Host molecules (a-CD) hierarchically thread onto the double grafts of the comb-copolymer EC-g-PCL-b-PEO from the outer block to the inner block in aqueous solution. Adjusting the molar ratio between a-CD and copolymer can induce these supramacromolecular complexes to dynamically and reversibly self-tune their fabrication from micelles (0-D) to cylinders (1-D) to vesicles (3-D) to sheets (2-D) like ‘‘living’’ assemblies.