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Direct Electrochemical Generation of Conducting Polymer on Silicon Substrate.
作者:Jinying Yuan, Deqiang Zhang, Liangti Qu, Gaoquan Shi, Xiaoyin Hong
关键字:polypyrrole; p-type silicon; composite materials; microcontainers
具体来源:Polymer International, 2004, 53 (12): 2125

Abstract: Polypyrrole microcontainers with morphology like bowls, cups, goblets and bottles have been electrochemically generated by direct oxidation of pyrrole on a p-type silicon wafer in aqueous solution of camphorsulfonic acid. The well-ordered microcontainers stand upright on the working electrode surface and changing the electrochemical polymerization conditions can easily control their morphological features. The growing process of microcontainers was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The microcontainers were characterized as being made of polypyrrole films in the doped state by Raman and IR spectroscopies.