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A microchannel concentrator controlled by integral thermoresponsive valves
writer:Yaopeng Zhang, Shinji Kato, Takanori Anazawa
keywords:microfluidic device; thermoresponsive valve,hydrogel,concentrator,adsorption
specific source:Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem.
Issue time:2008年

 A strategy for fabricating a microchannel concentrator having a new type of thermoresponsive valves for the fluid flow switching is described. The function of the valves is based on an actuating flap structure, where the flap is composed of a double-layered sheet, a thermoresponsive hydrogel layer and an acrylic resin layer. Responding to the water swelling/deswelling behavior of the hydrogel layer, the flap bidirectionally bends within several seconds. Likewise, in association with a special valve-sealing concept, two valves showing opposite working (open/close) states were successfully created in a microchip. Consequently, when a microchannel filled with silica gel particles was prepared with two outlet branches having the opposite-working valves, a four-fold enrichment of an analyte was achieved by the single operation of the present concentrator system. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.