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[Adv. Mater.] Two-Dimensional Protein Supramolecular Nanofilm with Exceptionally Large Area and Emergent Functions
writer:Dehui Wang, Yuan Ha, Jin Gu, Qian Li, Liangliang Zhang, Peng Yang*
keywords:lysozyme, amyloid, supramolecular assembly, nanofilm, surface modification
specific source:Advanced Materials 2016, in press (adma.201506476)
Issue time:2016年
The development of versatile materials and engineering devices requires multifunctional conformal coatings that gains increasing interests. However, few methods can achieve a stable, large-area and colorless coating on substrates with different structure, composition and shapes. We report the one-step aqueous coating of virtually arbitrary material surfaces using self-assembled macroscopic bionanofilm made by pure lysozyme. The unfolding and subsequent phase transition of commercially available lysozyme initiates the spontaneous formation of 2D amyloid-like nanofilm at a vapor/liquid or liquid/solid interface with a macro-scale size (e.g. 20 inches in diagonal) and shape in a few minutes. The attachment of the nanofilm onto various surfaces could be accordingly achieved by the amyloid-mediated adhesion, and the robust adhesion stability supports the nanofilm to safely pass the adhesive tape peeling test. The nanofilm coating displays competitive advantages over existing alternatives including controlled thickness from nano to micro-scale, colorless and optical transparency, stable bonding strength, ordered internal and surface morphology, as well as thermal/chemical stability. Multifunctions on the nanofilm coating have been demonstrated through great implications in both top-down and bottom-up micro/nano-scale interfacial engineering including surface modification, all-water-based photo/electron beam-lithography and electroless deposition. This finding deciphers an unbeknown interfacial assembly function for proteins that is useful to achieve a 2D biological material with the properties being useful in practical implications.