[Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.] Tuning Crystallization Pathways through Mesoscale Assembly of Biomacromolecular Nanocrystals
writer:Fei Tao, Qian Han, Kaiqiang Liu and Peng Yang*
keywords:Mesocrystal ? Nonclassical Crystallization ? Protein Assembly ? Nanocrystals ? Macromolecular Crystal
specific source:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Issue time:2017年
Macromolecular crystallization has many implications in biological and materials science. Similar to the crystallization of other molecules, macromolecular crystallization conventionally considers a critical nucleus, followed by crystallographic packing of macromolecules to drive further crystal growth. Here, we discover a distinctive macromolecular crystallization pathway by developing a concept of macromolecular mesocrystal. We underline this nonclassical polymer crystallization by the mesoscale self-assembly of biomacromolecular nanocrystals. This new understanding of macromolecular crystallization is fundamental and relevant to many fields, including materials science, chemistry, biomimetics, nanoscience and structural biology.
To be cited as:
Fei Tao (a), Qian Han (a), Kaiqiang Liu, Peng Yang*. Tuning Crystallization Pathways through Mesoscale Assembly of Biomacromolecular Nanocrystals.
a. both of them contributed equally to this work.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. in press (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 10.1002/anie.201706843
Angew. Chem. 10.1002/ange.201706843).