(Macromolecules) Novel Photolabile Diblock Copolymers Bearing Truxillic Acid Derivative Junctions
作者:Yang, H.*; Jia, L.; Wang, Z.; Di-Cicco, A.; Levy, D.; Keller, P.
关键字:Stimuli-responsive micelles, Photocleave, Truxillic acid, Amphiphilic diblock copolymer, Self-assembly.
具体来源:Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 159-165.
Amphiphilic diblock copolymers, poly(ethylene
glycol)-block-poly(acrylate), bearing truxillic acid derivatives at the
junction point between the two blocks are described. The truxillic acid
junction can be selectively cut by UV light, leading to a disassembly of the
nano-objects made by self-assembly of the amphiphilic copolymers in water.