(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.) Patterned Photonic Actuators with Dynamic Shape-Morphing and Color-Changing Capabilities Fabricated by Athermal Embossing Technology
作者:Qian, N.; Hu, J.; Huang, S.; Liu, Z.; Wang, M.*; Keller, P.; Yang, H.*
关键字:Photonic Actuator
具体来源:Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, e202406534.
patterned photonic actuators, characterized by their patterned
nano/microscale structures and capacity to demonstrate synergistic color
changes and shape morphing in response to external stimuli, have attracted
intense scientific attention. However, traditional patterned photonic actuator systems still face limitations such as
cumbersome and time-consuming preparation processes and small-scale
deformations. Herein, we introduce a facile approach involving an athermal
embossing technique to rapidly fabricate patterned photonic actuators based on near-infrared (NIR) light-responsive liquid crystal
elastomers. The resulting patterned photonic actuators demonstrate remarkable features, including brilliant
angle-dependent structural color, complex three-dimensional actuation, and good
color durability under NIR light stimulation. As illustrative demonstrations of
the proof-of-concept, we fabricate two light-fuelled patterned photonic soft actuators: a butterfly-inspired actuator that
can produce wing-flapping dynamic changes in structural color, and an origami
crane-shaped actuator with shape memory, structural color information storage,
and dynamic display properties. This strategy provides distinct insights into
the design and fabrication of various patterned photonic soft robotic devices and intelligent actuators.