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(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.) Bioinspired Synergistic Photochromic Luminescence and Programmable Liquid Crystal Actuators
writer:Huang, Y.; Bisoyi, H. K.; Huang, S.*; Wang, M.; X. Chen.; Z. Liu; Yang, H.*; Li, Q.*
keywords:Liquid Crystal Actuators
specific source:Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60, 11247-11251.
Issue time:2021年

Bioinspired smart materials with synergistic allochroic luminescence and complex deformation are expected to

play an important role in many areas of science and

technology. However, it is still challenging to fabricate such

soft actuators with high programmability that can be manipulated in situ with high spatial resolution. Herein, we have

incorporated terminally functionalized aggregation-induced

emission active tetraphenylethene derivative and photochromic

spiropyran moieties into the networks of liquid crystal

elastomers through covalent bonding to obtain the synergistic

photochromic luminescence and programmable soft actuators.

Bio-mimic functions and light-induced auxetic metamateriallike devices were shown to be feasible based on the combination of assembly and origami-programming strategy. These

bioinspired devices with synergistic photochromic luminescence and complex photodeformation abilities provide an

elegant strategy to design multi-functional liquid crystal
