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(ACS Macro Lett.) Liquid Crystal Elastomer Electric Locomotives
writer:Wang, M.; Cheng, Z.; Zuo, B.; Chen, X.; Huang, S.; Yang, H.*
keywords:Liquid Crystal Elastomer
specific source:ACS Macro Letters, 2020, 9, 860-865
Issue time:2020年
In this letter, we present an electro-driven cylindrical actuator system composed of a bilayered liquid crystal elastomer/ carbon black (LCE/CB) electro-driven soft actuator and a conductive track. The bilayered LCE/CB electro-driven actuator consists of an inner LCE circular band and several U-shaped CB conductive regions stuck on the outer surface of the LCE ring. Bene?ting from the e?ective Joule heating of CB powder and the consequential inhomogeneous stress generated inside the bilayered LCE/CB ?lm, the cylindrical actuator can roll forward with a rate of 1.6 mm/s along a stationary copper conductive track powered by a 50 V direct current supply. The dynamic connection between the rolling actuator and the conductive track e?ectively eliminates the limitation of electric wires in the complicated actuation set-ups of the LCE materials. This work might promote the development of electro-driven LCE actuators and have potential applications in the ?elds of soft robots and electric devices.