Dr. Yang Liu Visited Life College of Sci. & Tech. HUST
On January 18th,
2016, Invited by Prof. Yang, Dr. Yang Liu visited the College of Life Science
and Technology of HUST, and presented an excellent speech entitled “Enabling
Tools for Realisation of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Yang Liu
received the B.Sc. degree in pharmacy and biomedical sciences in China, the
M.Phil. degree in drug delivery and biochemistry from Aston University,
Birmingham, U.K., and the Ph.D. degree in dentistry from the University of
Birmingham. She was awarded a Research Councils United Kingdom Academic Fellow.
She is currently a senior lecturer in the Healthcare Engineering Group, Wolfson
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, U.K. She is also a member of Interdisciplinary Centre for
Biological Engineering and the EPSRC
Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Regenerative Medicine. Her current
research interests include translational research in stem cell and tissue
engineering technology and nanotechnology for healthcare, mainly focused on 3-D
tissue culture, scale up/out, characterization and quantification of
cell/tissue-based products, implants and cell/tissue interactions, cellular
mechanics and biological effects of mechanical stimulation. Webpage:
http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/ mechman/staff/ yang-liu.html .
She talked about her group research
activates on engineering enabling tools for tissue engineering and regenerative
medicine technology from the following aspects:
1. Physiologically informed 3D tissue
2. Injectable scaffold and electrospun
nano-fibres for treatment of inter-vertebral disc degeneration
Cellular product availability: thermal and
mechanical challenges during transportation and cell mechanics\