Jun. 7th - Jun. 13th 2007: Prof. Katsuyoshi Nishinari from Osaka City University of Japan
Aug. 31st-Sept. 5th 2007: Prof. Kunihiko Okajima from Tokushima Bunri University of Japan
Oct. 13th -16th 2007: Prof. Eisenberg
Oct. 15th - 18th 2007: Prof. Paul C. Painter and Prof. James P. Runt are from the Pennsylvania State University
December 2007 - May 2008:Mr Tsuruo Yasushi from Keio University of Japan
Feb. 26th - 29th 2008:Prof. Haruma Kawaguchi from Keio University of Japan
Sept. 7th - 10th 2008: Prof. Kazuo Umezawa
Dec. 23rd - 25th 2008: Prof. Stephen Z.D. Cheng from the University of Akron
Sept. 16th - 20th 2008: Prof. Toshio Nishi from Tohoku University of Japan