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Professor Guang Yang was invited to participate in 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition and visit McGill University

         Canada’s largest annual event devoted to the science and practice of chemistry——94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition(CSC2011)was held in Montréal June 5 – 9, 2011. Professor Eisenberg was award “Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) Medal”, and gave a medal lecture of “Block Copolymer Vesicles Following Nature’s Trail with Bigger Molecules”.

         In recognition of professor Eisenberg’s outstanding contribution to the field of block copolymers, CSC2011 organized a symposium of “Block Copolymer Self-assembly: Symposium in Honour of Adi Eisenberg”, and the chairman was professor Guojun Liu from Queen's University of Canada. Professor Guang Yang was invited to participate in and chair one of the symposiums. Academician Ming Jiang of Fudan University and Academician Deyue Yan of Shanghai Jiaotong University were invited to give invitation reports, titled as “Block-Copolymer-Free Strategies in Macromolecular Self-Assembly and New Supramolecular Hydrogels” and “Self-Assembly of Hyperbranchyed Polymers and Its Biomedical Applications” separately. On June 10, invited by professor Eisenberg, professor Yang visited McGill University, and gave a lecture.

Prof. Jiang

Prof. Yan

Prof. Eisenberg and Prof. Yang

Prof. Yang in McGill University