Polypyrrole/reduced graphene oxide coated fabric electrodes for supercapacitor application
作者:Jie Xu*, Daxiang Wang, Ye Yuan, Wei Wei, Lanlan Duan, Luoxin Wang, Haifeng Bao, Weilin Xu*
关键字:Polypyrrole/reduced graphene oxide,fabric electrode
具体来源:Organic Electronics
Flexible and wearable energy storage devices are strongly demanded to power smart textiles. Herein, reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and polypyrrole (PPy) were deposited on cotton fabric via thermal reduction of GO and chemical polymerization of pyrrole to prepare textile-based electrodes for supercapacitor application. The obtained PPy–RGO-fabric retained good flexibility of textile and was highly conductive, with the conductivity of 1.2 S cm1. The PPy–RGO-fabric supercapacitor showed a specific capacitance of
336 F g1 and an energy density of 21.1 Wh kg1 at a current density of 0.6 mA cm2. The RGO sheets served as conductor and framework under the PPy layer, which could facilitate electron transfer between RGO and PPy and restrict the swelling and shrinking of PPy, thus resulting in improved electrochemical properties respect to the PPy-fabric device.