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  • Closely-related species of hyperaccumulating plants and their ability in accumulation of As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni,... [2020年]
  • Copper supplementation reverses dietary iron overload-induced pathologies in mice [2018年]
  • Mechanisms of arsenic disruption on gonadal, adrenal and thyroid endocrine systems in humans: A review [2016年]
  • Arsenic impacted the development, thyroid hormone and gene transcription of thyroid hormone receptors in... [2016年]
  • Advances in in vitro methods to evaluate oral bioaccessibility of PAHs and PBDEs in environmental matrices [2016年]
  • Molecular mechanisms of PFOA-induced toxicity in animals and humans: Implications for health risks [2017年]
  • Applying Cadmium relative bioavailability to assess dietary intake from rice and predict Cadmium urinary exc... [2017年]
  • Impact of particle size on distribution and human exposure of flame retardants in indoor dust [2018年]
  • Arsenic and phosphate rock impacted the abundance and diversity of bacterial arsenic oxidase and reductase g... [2017年]
  • Electrospun polyurethane/keratin/AgNP biocomposite mats for biocompatible and antibacterial wound dressin... [2016年]
  • Short-term exposure of arsenite disrupted thyroid endocrine system and altered gene transcription in the HPT... [2015年]
  • Organophosphorus flame retardants and phthalate esters in indoor dust from different microenvironments: Bioa... [2016年]
  • Integration-free induced pluripotent stem cells derived from retinitis pigmentosa patient for disease modeli... [2012年]
  • Physical and chemical characteristics of PM2.5 and its toxicity to human bronchial cells BEAS-2B in the wint... [2018年]
  • Efficient phosphate accumulation in the newly isolated Acinetobacter junii strain LH4 [2018年]
  • Siderophores produced by Pseudomonas sp. strain 4–05: Identification, purification and ferrous-dependent pr... [2016年]
  • Physicochemical characterization of high-quality bacterial cellulose produced by Komagataeibacter sp. strain... [2017年]
  • Intestinal Divalent Metal-ion Transporter 1 (DMT1) is Essential for Optimal Assimilation of Dietary Copper i... [2018年]
  • Arsenic, lead, and cadmium bioaccessibility in contaminated soils: Measurements and validations [2019年]
  • Coupling bioavailability and stable isotope ratio to discern dietary and non-dietary contribution of metal e... [2018年]
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