Nanostructure Formation in Thermoset/Block Copolymer and Thermoset/Hyperbranched Polymer Blends
主要译著者:Yuan Meng, Xinghong Zhang*
出版机构:William Andrew publishing
Yuan Meng, Xinghong Zhang*. Nanostructure Formation in
Thermoset/Block Copolymer and Thermoset/Hyperbranched Polymer Blends (pages
161-194, Chapter 6 of book: Nanostructured Polymer Blends, edited by Sabu
Thomas, Robert Shanks et al), Elsevier Inc, 2013-12, ISBN(ASIN): 1455731595, 条形码: 978-1-4557-3159-6, William Andrew
publishing(出版社);丛书名: Micro & Nano