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105.Xin Zheng, Zhicheng Han, Shunyu Yao, Huanhao Xiao, Fang Chai, Fengyu Qu, Xiang WuSpinous α-Fe2O3 hierarchical nanostructures anchored on Ni foam for supercapacitors electrodes and visible light driven photocatalysts Dalton Transactions 2016,45,9094-7103

104. Xin Zheng, Zhicheng Han, Fang Chai*, Fengyu Qu, Hui Xia*, Xiang Wu* Flexible heterostructured supercapacitor electrodes based α-Fe2O3 nanosheets with excellent electrochemical performances Dalton Transactions 2016,45, 12862-12870

103. Xin Zheng, Zhicheng Han, Wenjin Yang, Fengyu Qu, Baodan Liu*, Xiang

Wu*  3D Co3O4@ MnO2 heterostructures grown on flexible substrate and their applications in supercapacitor electrodes and photocatalysts  Dalton Transactions 2016, 45,16850-16858

102.Zhicheng Han, Xin Zheng, Shunyu Yao, Huanhao Xiao, Fengyu Qu, Xiang WuDoughtnut-shaped Co3O4 nanoflakes grown on nickel foam with enhanced supercapacitive performances Applied Surface Science 2016,365:240-244

101.Huanhao Xiao,Fengyu Qu, Xiang Wu* Ultrathin NiO nanoflakes electrode materials for supercapacitors  Applied Surface Science 2016,360,8-13

100. Huanhao Xiao, Fengyu Qu, Ahmad Umar*, Xiang Wu* Facile synthesis of SnO2 hollow microspheres composed of nanoparticles and their remarkable photocatalytic performance  Materials Research Bulletin  2016,74,284-290

99.Xiang Wu*, Chuanfei Guo, Haibo Zeng, Ahmad Umar, Hierarchically nanostructured materials for environmental and energy applications  Science

of Advanced Materials  2016, 8,1227-1230

98.Huanhao Xiao, Shunyu Yao, Hongda  Liu, Fengyu Qu, Xu Zhang*, Xiang Wu* NiO nanosheet Assembles for supercapacitor electrode materials Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 2016, 26, 271-275

97.Fang Hu, Malin Li, Fei Du, Runxia Li, Siqian Zhang and Xiang Wu* Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Manganese Vanadate Nanorods as an Intercalation Anode for Lithium-ion Battteries Science of Advanced Materials 2016,8,1309-1313

96.Fang Hu, Di Zhang, Runxia Li, Siqian Zhang, Xiang Wu* Synthesis and Improved Thermal Stability of High Surface Area γ-Al2O3 Nanofibers Modified by Lanthanum Science of Advanced Materials  2016,8,1242-1247

95.Feng Yan, Yang Liu, Xue Cai*, Xiang Wu*  Facile synthesis of Ag2O nanoparticles decorated ZnO assembles with excellent photocatalytic performances Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2016,16,8538-8543

94.Shunyu Yao, Xu Zhang*, Fengyu Qu, Ahmad Umar, Xiang Wu* Hierarchical WO3 nanostructures assembled by nanosheets and their applications in wastewater purification Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016,689:570-574

XX.  蒋伟,武祥* 硫化锌微米花的水热合成及其光催化性质研究 影像科学与光化学 2016,34,281-285(邀请)